Is it Okay Now for Kelly Price to now come out with A gospel Cd but Wrong for Yolanda Adams to Sing a Chaka Kahn. Is it Cool for Diddy to make a Gospel Song but wrong for J Moss to Do a song with Anthony Hamilton. What is the standard? Does it Matter what vessel God is Using. Or it degrading to the beliver. What about Tonex going back main stream? Or is the real issue that we don't like it? Has the Black Church lost touch with saving the lost? Or Have Gospel Artist Just been Blinded by The Glamorous the Flossy Flossy?
Tell me what you think!!!!
I think the biggest problem God's people have had since old testament days is ....the refusal to be set apart...sanctified,holy and consecrated consistently unto God. Judges2:1-3 & 2Corinthians6:14-18. I can't find this(collaborating with the ungodly pleasing God) in scripture...other than being in a possible "lukewarm" state. I do see where peoples lives were spared and changed when their hearts feared the God of Israel. I.E....Rahab(Joshua2) and the midwives (Exodus1:15-21. I don't presumed to say who is of God or not...or even if these "collaborations" are of HIM....but the bible says we should know one another by our fruit,love and spirit. Not because some know a little christianese,was raised in church, father was a pastor or sang in the choir as a kid.I suppose as we "seek first the kingdom of God"... we will better be able to discern the difference between not just good and evil...but good and God. I have often wondered about this ...and have asked others what answers they have received of God. I believe many decline to share because their in the mix like that....smile. I started to take each one of your questions one by one...but as you can tell I type..so. I suppose as a final answer to it all...time will tell.
I really liked the show you did on this.
I especially like what that one person said, "It's okay to crossover as long as they bring the Cross with them." That was beautiful!
Keep up the good work.
great show keep up the good work
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