More the 95 percent of All Senior Pastors are men but the average man doesn't go to church on the regular. If a man does go is he thinking about God or the NFL Game he's missing. Is it that Women love God more. Or is it the Church work is just looked at as A sissy thing. I remember reading an article about Real Men Pray. But the average church worker is A women. Think about it go to your church and first person you see 4 out of 5 times is a woman. Where are the Men?
Let me know what you think?
Also read an article that supports this thinking
1 comment:
I've listened to an interview with the writer of this book.I think he does have some valid points,however, it seems to me as if he is talking about unsaved men. Or maybe those not yet solid in their relationship to our Father through His Spirit and His Word. Men who love God and want to do what pleases him won't make excuses. It seems to me they would seek God's face for answers. Not simply write off godly fellowship altogether. God by His Spirit is perfectly capable of meeting the needs of men as He is women, and He will make sure we(if our hearts are right,that is)are divinely connected with the answers we need.And ignorance is no excuse.Proverbs 3 comes to mind.
I am a woman, I remember over 20 years ago asking the "leaders" of the church, "why are there more woman in the church than men?" My answer of these men was..."woman are more emotional"... sad. That couldn't be it. That would mean we made a decision to serve Him and or even receive Jesus based on emotion. Although not entirely impossible, it is highly unlikely God would answer the prayer of someone who accepted Him through emotion...when the bible teaches He can only be received by faith! So I asked God. "He said women respond to Love more easily than men". Now, I thought He was talking exclusively about those in the fellowship I was apart of.
I agree with Mr. Murrow that men have there own religion but it is not masculinity, it is pride. And men don't have not cornered the market on that...woman are just as guilty. Hardness of heart. Unbelief,Ignorance. It's all designed to keep souls out of relationship to our Father God. We all have to have hearts set to receive LOVE when HE is revealed. It is in that way God shows us what we are purposed for in this life.Predestined. And that is the bottom line. What are we born to do, be and build as we occupy until He comes.This is my perspective on this subject.I have not read the book though.
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